quinta-feira, 21 de maio de 2020

Atividade teste


Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões de 1 a 3.

How to become a good listener and help people.
It is not necessary to have any special qualifications to become a befriender. There is a training course offered by experienced volunteers. It is fundamental to learn how to listen without judgment. You can help people that need to talk and have nobody to listen to them. Talking to these people is a way to make them reflect about their own life and save it.
There is a local branch near you that will be pleased to give you more information. Click here to find the center nearest you. For people who are feeling lonely, without a person to talk to and sometimes considering suicide, these branches can be their last hope to talk confidentially.
Click here to get more information in over twenty languages and become a volunteer!

1.  De onde ele foi retirado? Como você sabe?

2. Leia o texto novamente e respondas às perguntas.
 a) Como posso entrar em contato com alguma organização para ser voluntário?
 b) As informações sobre o trabalho voluntário são veiculadas em quantas línguas?
 c) O que o voluntário deve fazer nesse trabalho?

 3. De acordo com o texto, assinale Verdadeiro (V) ou Falso (F).
a) É necessário ter qualidades especiais para ser um voluntário. (     ) 
b) Para conseguir mais informações você deve enviar uma carta. (     )
c) O curso de treinamento é oferecido por voluntários experientes. (     )

4. Complete as frases usando o present perfect tense.  
a) I­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________ (to return) from four months as a conservation volunteer in Ecuador.
b) They_________________ (to enjoy) their time in Costa Rica dealing with turtles.
 c) I___________________ (to book) myself on a flight to Costa Rica this July to go and teach English.
 d) We________________________ (to help) the Volunteer Project with their marketing needs.
 e) She___________________________(to arrive/just) home from South America.
5. Complete as frases usando o Present Perfect tense ou Past tense.
a) We _____________________(to spend) last month volunteering in Peru with street children.
 b) I_____________________ (to visit) the websites you listed and contacted these NGOs.
 c) He______________________ (to spend) four weeks with the animals project in Northern Ecuador.
d) Joana_________________( to see ) the o accident last night.


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